Khaos was the first primordial god,
and from her emerged the other primordial gods
Erebos, Nyx, Tartaros, Gaia, Hydros, Thesis, and Eros.
In Simanity, Khaos Straud is the ALPHA (beginning) and OMEGA (end) and the very first vampire sim. If Zeus is the King of the gods, Khaos is the god of gods. In her weakest state, she was banished by Phanes to Tartarus (The deepest region, where the afterlife ends for those who are punished and imprisoned) together with other gods and goddesses whose purpose in Simanity have already been served.
Erebos was the primordial god of darkness and shadows. While he loved Nyx so much, he cannot help but fall in love with the goddess of the Earth, Gaia. After battling with Tartaros over Gaia, he started to weaken.
Nyx was the primordial goddess of night in Greek mythology. She was born from Chaos, the primordial void. She carries the same fate in Simanity and was sent by Phanes to Asphodel Meadows (A region of indifference where people who were not particularly good or bad end up) together with other gods and goddesses whose purpose in Simanity have already been served.
In Greek mythology, Tartaros was the primeval god of the stormy abyss of Tartaros, which lies beneath the foundations of the earth. In Simanity, he was the jealous husband of Gaia who did everything to eliminate every being who might take Gaia away from him. Unfortunately, Gaia did not like his possessive nature and ended him instead.
Gaia, the primordial goddess of the earth in Greek mythology was the great mother of all creation. In Simanity, she is also the mother of all mortals and werewolves alike. She plots retribution, was given the wrong information about who actually killed Okeanos. She kills Krios, Iapetus, Koios and Hyperion by burning them at stake. She was banished by Phanes to Tartarus (The deepest region, where the afterlife ends for those who are punished and imprisoned) together with other gods and goddesses whose purpose in Simanity have already been served.

Thesis, the Greek primordial goddess of creation, was the first being to emerge at creation alongside Hydros (the Primordial Waters) and Mud. This is not the case in Simanity. Although she is also one of the primordial gods, everything did not start from her but from Khaos. She later on ascends to Elysium (fairy land - A paradise for heroes where they experience pleasure and are free from work) together with other gods and goddesses whose purpose in Simanity have already been served.
Eros, the Greek primordial god of procreation, was the force that drove the creation of new life in the universe. In Simanity, he manipulates gods and mortals to fall in love. He becomes depressed because of his unrequited love for Khaos. Phanes takes him to Asphodel Meadows (A region of indifference where people who were not particularly good or bad end up). He would later on reincarnate as the young Eros, son of Aphrodite and Ares.