Chapter 5: Eros

Unknown to Eve and Adam, their sudden passionate feelings for each other were fueled by an unseen force, igniting love and desire in their hearts. This love was so powerful that even the spell of the mighty Goddess Hera couldn't undo it. They were caught in a whirlwind of emotions, completely swept away by the strength of their feelings.

Gaia, the Earth goddess, came to the Garden of Eden because she heard rumors that Zeus was having an affair with Eve, one of the first humans. She wanted to see what was happening herself before telling the other gods. This was a surprising situation for her, as her child being with a mortal was something new and unexpected. She was curious and wanted to find out everything she could.

Hera tried using a spell to regain Zeus's love, but he was too powerful to be affected. Instead of softening his heart, Zeus became even more angry, seeing her actions as desperate. This only made their relationship worse, pushing Zeus farther away and leaving Hera heartbroken.

Zeus' desire for Eve only grew stronger, and Eve was powerless to resist the allure of the handsome king of the gods. 

Similarly, Hera found herself drawn to the strong and virile mortal, Adam. 

But they didn't know that Eros, the god of procreation, was behind their feelings for each other. Eros was secretly controlling things, manipulating both gods and mortals for his own entertainment.

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