Ouranos and Gaia

In Greek mythology, Ouranos (also known as Uranus in Roman mythology) was the primordial god of the sky, and a key figure in the creation of the Greek world.  In Simanity, he was created by Gaia herself with whom he had thirteen children.  He was later on burned at the stake by his mother Gaia for killing their son Okeanos.

Gaia, the primordial goddess of the earth in Greek mythology was the great mother of all creation. In Simanity, she is also the mother of all mortals and werewolves alike. She plots retribution, was given the wrong information about who actually killed Okeanos. She kills Krios, Iapetus, Koios and Hyperion by burning them at stake.  She was banished by Phanes to Tartarus (The deepest region, where the afterlife ends for those who are punished and imprisoned) together with other gods and goddesses whose purpose in Simanity have already been served.

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