Chapter 1: Nightfall

Abel, Adam and Eve's second son, is now able to walk, while Physis, Eve's daughter with Zeus, has grown into a beautiful girl. Both children were thriving and developing into individuals with their own unique personalities and strengths.
Abel was a curious and adventurous child who loved to explore and learn about the world around him. Physis, on the other hand, had an innate beauty and grace, which made her the envy of many.

Both Adam and Eve are busy taking care of the animals with Cain's help.

Meanwhile, Demeter was struggling to raise Zeus' child on her own. She was a possessive and controlling mother who didn't want to share Zeus with anyone, not even his own son. But Zeus was so preoccupied with his heartache over Eve that he didn't seem to notice Demeter's distress.

Zeus is so lost without Eve he doesn't know what to do.

He and Ares, his first born with Hera, have grown apart
he could not find the right words to communicate with him. 

He found comfort in Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and home.
Hestia listened to Zeus' woes and offered him a shoulder to lean on. 

Ares resents Zeus knowing he is still so much in love with Eve
which hurts him on behalf of his mother, Hera. 

He rebels and does exactly what Zeus had told him not to do
- engage in any conversation with the creatures of the night.

Pontos, the god of the sea, had grown jealous of how the other gods have been so lenient of Zeus
even after what he had done which was supposedly unforgivable among them gods. 
He sent his female counterpart, Thalassa, to connive with the gods of darkness to exact revenge on Zeus.  
They plotted with the gods of darkness to bring down Zeus by destroying his firstborn, Ares.  

Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, was happy to oblige,
seeing an opportunity to take advantage of Ares' vulnerability. 
Destroying Ares would definitely devastate the king of the gods.

The wolves, on the other hand, had their own plans and were also poised to act.

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