Zeus and Eve

My original intention for this series was to tell a story about how Simanity - where all sims live - began. Simanity is the sims version of Earth in this story. Zeus was the creator and ruler of Simanity. I originally intended him to be the creator of all mortals, but I thought of incorporating Greek gods and goddess, hence, chose Gaia - the personification of Earth - to be the mother of all mortals. As its ruler, Zeus governed and oversaw Simanity. One day, after Zeus had a disagreement with his wife Hera, he stumbled upon Eve who was also feeling lonely because of Adam's insensitivity. 

Eve's character is one of my favorites simply because she has all the qualities of a human - a woman at that.  Her love affair with Zeus - no matter how complicated - was something I found hard to ditch. Perhaps it was their chemistry or the complexity of their relationship itself that got me glued to their story.

Physis, is the primordial goddess of nature in Greek mythology. In Simanity, Physis is the daughter of Eve and Zeus.

You can watch this series on my YouTube channel! 😊😊😊

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