Chapter 5: Weavers of Fate

The Moerae have the power to control the fate of every being in the world, from the gods to the mortals, and their decision to break the immortality spell is a weighty one. The three sisters formed a circle, their hands holding the threads of life, carefully weaving and snipping them as they see fit.

Klotho spins the threads, representing the beginning of life, while Atropos snips them, representing the end. Lakhesis, in the middle, measures the threads, representing the length of life.

As they play the final tune, the strings of the lyre in their hands, they close their eyes and concentrate, letting the music guide them. The notes rise and fall, building to a crescendo, before finally fading away.

When they open their eyes, they know that the spell has been broken and that the gods are slowly becoming mortals. The three sisters smile at each other, knowing that they have made a significant change in the world, but also aware that the consequences of their actions may not be fully understood for some time.

The effects of this was immediately felt by the dark gods Khaos, Nyx, and Erebos whose powers are now weakened and the ageing felt in their veins. The gods are shocked and confused, wondering what has happened and why they are now weaker. 

Except for Eris whose powers seem to have become even stronger fueled by Ares' love.

Meanwhile, Demeter searched for Zeus and found him in the arms of another goddess. This discovery would have a huge effect on Demeter, as she had trusted Zeus and believed their relationship was special. Seeing him with another goddess caused Demeter a lot of hurt and anger, leading to more complications in their relationship. It raised questions about the future of their relationship and how it would affect their daughter, Persephone. This revelation would also raise the issue of infidelity among the gods and the consequences it would have on the delicate balance of power and relationships within the pantheon.

Zeus and Dione were unaware of Demeter's presence and Demeter was not happy to see them in that intimate moment.

Demeter waited for Zeus to leave so she can confront Dione alone.

Demeter approached Dione and said: "You, b1tch!"

Before Dione could even react, Demeter's hand landed on her face.

Dione was shocked, the rage building up inside her.

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