Chapter 8: Antio
Physis has not returned for days and every one of them assumed she was still out there looking for a potion that would heal Eve. But no matter how much Eve tried to ignore it, her health continued to deteriorate.
What probably exacerbated her condition was that Cain seemed to be the only one concerned about her. When he suggested they seek Zeus' help so he could heal Eve with his divine power, Adam refused and even cursed Zeus.
Eve began to miss Zeus who was always there for her when she needed him.
She remembered the warmth of his embrace and the tenderness of his kiss.

But then she realized that moment will never happen again now that it's finally over between them.
She remembered the warmth of his embrace and the tenderness of his kiss.

But then she realized that moment will never happen again now that it's finally over between them.
She began to question the point of her existence and thought it would be best if she just surrendered her soul to the gods.
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