Chapter 10: Prodosía

Hecate reported to Ouranos about what Gaia did to Tartaros while defending Erebos.
Hearing the fact, Ouranos resented the fact that Gaia fought for Erebos
with so much passion that he felt deeply jealous. 

Hecate, however, had another news -
an impending treason that was bound to be committed by Okeanos,
the son of Ouranos and Gaia.

It was actually the main reason she went to Ouranos to warn him about it,
but begged him to not do anything impulsive that he will later on regret.

Jealousy and rage overwhelmed Ouranos as he couldn't bear what his family was doing to him.

He hurriedly went to see Okeanos to confront him.
Okeanos was sound asleep which further irritated Ouranos.

So he grabbed him  and dragged him out of the bed to wake him up.

Feeling disoriented and angered by his sleep being disrupted,
Okeanos impulsively punched his father Oreanos.

Ouranos, of course, retaliated.

He was much stronger and powerful than his son that he accidentally ended his life.

He realized the mistake he has done, so he hurriedly cleaned up the mess before anyone saw it.

Gaia, being the mother of Okeanos and of all creation,
was able to retrieve her son's body the moment she learned he was missing.

She was so devastated and could not believe anyone could do such a thing to her precious son.

In pursuit of who was responsible for her son's demise, 
Gaia used all her powers to find it out.

When she finally knew who the culprit was,
she gathered her family to plot retribution.

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